Newsletter Information
Our Members receive a bi-annual WCMHC Newsletter by email or mail!
Looking for advertising & articles for our 2024 Spring Issue.
If you want to advertise in this newsletter, please send your information to Charlene at cf.gale@hotmail.com
The small ads for $5 each are a great way to advertise those new babies you are having these days too!
Advertising in the newsletter is available!
Issue Sponsor
$50.00 - Back-cover ad (10 inches by 7 ½ inches) plus a short description on the front cover.
Inside ads
½ page for $10.00 (4 ½ inches by 7 ½ inches)
¼ page for $5.00 (4 ¾ inches by 3 ½ inches, or 7 ½ inches by 2 ½ inches)
Availability of inside ads will depend on space available in order to minimise the cost to the club
Ads can be sent to cf.gale@hotmail.com or call 403-932-5992